I don’t know about you, but I never adjusted to 2011. First of all, I didn’t like the looks of it. The two numeral ones side by side always seemed jolting when I wrote it on a check, saw it on a post mark or noted the date each morning in the bottom right corner of my computer. Maybe I always connected it to 9/11. Who knows.
For me, 2011 just had no style.
Granted the year hosted some meaningful events. Bin Laden and Gadhafi went down. Kate and Wils gave us the best royal shindig since Di and Charles. We lost violet-eyed Liz, the genius of Apple and against all odds by sheer will and tenacity, Gabby Giffords is still with us. Japan had a horrific earthquake, ensuing tsunami and near catastrophic nuclear disaster. Joplin, Missouri suffered a deadly giant twister. And after 45 years of Super Bowls, the Packers beat the Steelers. My husband was telling me yesterday, 2011 was the safest year in aviation history–worldwide. As a tentative flyer, that’s good.
But all in all, I am glad 2011 is behind us and I am looking forward to 2012. The numbers just flow better to me. It appears more balanced.
My resolution is to make the most of every second of it. You have to admit, 2013 doesn’t look quite as pretty.