Daily Archives: February 8, 2012


I have been travelling. I went to see my grandson and his parents as well as his aunt (also known as my daughters and son-in-law) in California and now am home again. I say that as though I didn’t have access to a computer there which I did. I had plenty of time to write and more to write about.  My grandson’s first words, his ingratiating grin, the cute space between his front teeth, the way he giggles when I threaten the gobble his toes, how much he loves his cars, the park, the moon. He provided plenty of daily subject matter that I could have shared.

I really have no excuse for this break in my blogging.  I have been busy, but aren’t we all.  Maybe I haven’t felt the muse on my shoulder urging me to share little tidbits of my daily “here and there” or haven’t had a life altering insight into the meaning of all of this.

I think I was just enjoying living without narrating.

I’ll be back when I am out of my self-involved slump. We all deserve them every now and then but I know it can be dangerous to stay in one for long.  Also, I find the world beyond my own nose much more captivating.  Well, at least on most days when I am posing as an adult.